Saturday, February 2, 2008


Well, I'll give it a try. Here is our family blog spot. We are paddling as fast as we can to keep our heads above water right now. Scott is coaching Duncan's football team, the Yellowjackets until the end of February. Needless to say it has been an adventure. Duncan keeps growing, yea!! I began my last semester of classes in the teaching program at ASU. Student teaching is this fall, finally the light at the end of the tunnel. I'll be 50 years old when I finally arrive at the other end of this schooling. I love my internship this semester. I am in a kindergarten class. I am teaching after school drawing classes through a company called Young Rembrandts. It is alot of fun. Carl was assisting his dad with the football team but then he had a chance to play himself so he took it. He plays safety for the semi-pro West Valley Headhunters here in Phoenix. Two of his high school football buddies are on the same team. They are the youngest players. Average age is 25yrs. old. We've only seen them play once. Should be fun as long as he doesn't get injured.


Kristie said...

Great job getting the Blog together. I am going to have to try this.

Stef said...

I LLLOOOVVEEE it mom!! I've never been so proud (sob, sob)! Keep it going!! SMOOOOCH!